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Can I Edit Products In SKU IQ?

You can certainly edit products directly in SKU IQ. We recommend using the system you are most familiar with.


You can always edit products directly in SKU IQ if you'd like to. While we recommend using the system that you are most familiar with to make edits, it's easy to edit items within SKU IQ.

If you are editing the structure of a product (outside of deleting variants), we highly recommend that you archive the original product and create a new one so that SKU IQ can recognize all attributes correctly and not cause any syncing issues. See this article for assistance on fixing product structures.

What Can I Edit on SKU IQ?

You can edit quite a few things on SKU IQ! You can edit basic information about your product including the Title, Brand, and Description. You can also edit variants by changing the values for color, size, cost, price and quantity. You can also add or change images!

You cannot edit the following:

  • SKU IQ # - this is a number that we use on the backend to identify a specific product/variant
  • POS Item # - this is a number that your Point of Sale assigns on the backend to identify a specific product/variant
  • eCommerce Item # - this is a number that your eCommerce assigns on the backend to identify a specific product/variant
  • SKU - you can only assign SKU numbers on your Point of Sale or eCommerce and they cannot be altered by SKU IQ
  • UPC - you can only assign UPC numbers on your Point of Sale or eCommerce and they cannot be altered by SKU IQ

How Do I Edit My Product?

Edit Basic Information

If you would like to edit the Title, Brand, Description, or Style#, click on the Edit Basics button at the top of the product detail page.

When you're finished making edits, make sure to click the Save Changes button so that the data will sync! It may take up to 30 minutes for the information to translate to your Point of Sale or eCommerce. 

Edit Variants

If you'd like to edit information for the specific variants for your product, click on the Edit Variants button. 

You can change the color and size variants for each item as well as alter the unit cost, price, and sale price (not available in all cases). Of course you can change how many of each variant you have with the + and buttons under quantity. If you'd like to make bulk edits of pricing, you can do so with the Bulk Edit part of the variant editor. 

The first field in the Bulk Editor is for the Unit Cost, the second is for the price, and third is for sale price (not available in all cases). The Bulk Editor may be a little off center. 

If you would like to add a new variant, you can click the gray + Add button just over the Edit Images button. A blank variant will appear for you to fill out.

🚨 Adding variants in SKU IQ is not recommended. 

Edit Images

You can add and remove images through SKU IQ (not available in all cases). To add or remove images, click the Edit Images button.

If you've never uploaded an image for your product previously, you will be asked to Drop files here to upload. You can either use File Explorer (Windows) or 

Finder (Mac) to drag and drop your image files in to the box. Or you can click on the box directly and File Explorer or Finder will open automatically. 


Here are some tutorials from Microsoft and Apple on how to use File Explorer and Finder.

🪟 Find and Open File Explorer

🍎 Get to Know the Finder on Your Mac

SKU IQ accepts .JPG, .PNG, and .GIF image files of 1MB or less. See this Wikipedia article for more information on image file formats.

If you would like to remove an image, click the small black X on the top, right hand corner of the image. If you need to rotate the image, use the circular arrows on the top left hand corner of the image. This button will rotate the image clockwise. 

When you are done uploading and editing your pictures, make sure to click on the Save Changes button.

💡 Each editable section has its own Save Changes button. Make sure to save for each section you edit!