How do I know if my products are linked and syncing?

Check for your Point of Sale's icon, your eCommerce's icon and the blue circular icon on your products page!

You can see if a product is linked and syncing very easily!

1. Navigate to the Products page on the left hand side of your dashboard.

sku iq dashboard navigation panel with products highlighted

2. Use the Filter dropdown menu and select In-Store & Online.

filter by drop down shown with in-store & online option highlighted

3. The products that are listed under In-Store & Online should all have formed a linking relationship. You can check this by looking to see if your Point of Sale's icon, eCommerce's icon as well as a blue circular arrow icon are all located next to the product's title.

lightspeed linked and syncing with wix

We refer to the blue icon (that looks like the refresh icon) as the Linked Icon!