Can SKU IQ Automatically Send New Product to my Point of Sale or eCommerce?

SKU IQ can set up automatic pushing of new products to either your Point of Sale or eCommerce!

Automatic pushing (AKA auto-push) is one of the handiest, time-saving automation options that SKU IQ offers. This feature allows you to completely skip the pushing process and send the new product straight to the opposing platform. This way you can continue to add your product into your preferred platform without having to perform double data entry as well.

To set up automatic pushing, please contact Support so that we can enable the feature. Remember that auto-pushing works best one way - so you'll need to choose if you would like to enter your new product into your Point of Sale or in to your eCommerce. There are some fields that will not sync from your Point of Sale to your eCommerce, so please keep that in mind when you are selecting which will be your Source of Truth. If you aren't sure a field will sync, check your specific integrations or reach out to Support.