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  3. Upgrade or Change Subscription

How to change your SKU IQ subscription in the Clover Marketplace

You can chose to be billed by Clover for your SKU IQ subscription!


SKU IQ is an Inventory Management Solution that empowers small business owners with the tools they need to stay on top of their inventory both online and in-store. We have many options for how you can be billed for your subscriptions - whether it’s directly through us or with one of the platforms we work with. It can be important to adjust which subscription you are on from time to time due to volume of sales, needing additional features, or needing to pause billing for the season. This article will show you how to change your subscription in the Clover Marketplace if you are subscribed via Clover. If you are subscribed via Wix or Shopify, please see those related articles.

How It Works

We understand that business volume can rapidly change. Some months are going to be heavier in transactions than others. We offer the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. You can also switch from a monthly subscription to an annual plan at any time by switching to the Add-On Location and contacting SKU IQ to be billed annually. Please keep in mind that annual subscriptions are billed up front, but you do get a 20% savings by choosing the annual subscription as well as a few other added perks.

How to Change Your Plan

Upgrade your plan to a subscription that offers more transactions and more features, or save money and unlock new capabilities by upgrading to an annual plan. 

You can find more information about our subscription plans on our Pricing Page or contact Support for assistance.

1.  Log into your SKU IQ dashboard.

2.  In the top left corner of your dashboard, click Change Plan

3.  Clicking this button takes you to the SKU IQ app page of the Clover Marketplace.

4.  Click the Change Subscription link.

5.  A subscription tier window displays. Select a different plan by clicking the radio button next to the plan you want to switch to. If you want to be billed directly through SKU IQ or through one of our other vendors (e.g. Shopify, Wix), select Add-On Location. You can see information about pricing and what each plan offers on our pricing page.

6.  Click Update Subscription to confirm. Your subscription is upgraded.

How Do I Cancel My SKU IQ Subscription?

To cancel your subscription, you will need to uninstall the SKU IQ app from the Clover Marketplace. Also, we ask that you submit a SKU IQ Cancellation Request directly with SKU IQ to complete the cancellation.

1.  On your Clover Dashboard, go to More Tools and click Installed Apps. (More Tools is toward the bottom of the navigation bar on the left hand side of the page.)

2.   Find the SKU IQ App in your list of installed apps, and then click on the app. You may have to switch pages at the bottom of the list to find it. The SKU IQ icon looks like this:

3.  The SKU IQ app page of the Clover Marketplace displays. Click on the three vertical dots next to the name of our app.

4.  Click the Uninstall App link. The SKU IQ app is immediately uninstalled from your Clover Marketplace, your SKU IQ subscription is ended, and billing is automatically discontinued.


Q.  If I’m being billed through SKU IQ/Stripe, do I need to be billed through Clover as well?

A.  No! You should only be billed through one platform. It’s your choice if you’d like to have your SKU IQ bill along with your Clover on the same invoice, or if you’d like to be billed separately through SKU IQ.


Q.  If I have Shopify or Wix as my eCommerce platforms, do I need to have Clover billing?

A.  No! Again, you should only be billed through one platform. Choose which one works best for you. The pricing is the same for all the monthly plans.


Q.  If I have set up billing through one of the other apps, how do I stop that?

A.  If you are being billed through Shopify, see this document. If you are being billed through Wix, see this document. If you are being billed through SKU IQ directly and would rather be billed through Clover, please send an email requesting we cancel your Stripe billing to billingsupport@skuiq.com.


Q.  Can I be billed for an annual plan through Clover?

A.  At this time, Clover does not offer that feature. If you’d like to be billed for the annual plan, please contact us at billingsupport@skuiq.com so we can set that up for you. You will also need to switch to the Add-On Location on the Clover Marketplace.